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Tai Chi Forest

You are a tree in a forest. Your roots, the foundational practice that is the basis of your strength. Your trunk, delivering energy to the rest of the tree and all aspects of your daily life. The branches, defining your character through the arts you choose to train in. The leaves, representing the expressions and higher understanding of the arts. The fruits of the tree are the transformations you create for yourself during this process of self-exploration, of walking in the forest.

You are invited to become the truest natural expression of yourself at Tai Chi Forest!

Aimo Javier

A certified Tai Chi and Qigong instructor, Aimo’s Tai Chi journey began in the UK at the turn of the millenium. Originally he studied Yang style, but didn’t really get into it until a few years later when he started Wu style Tai Chi, which helped him recover from an old knee injury. Learning about the subtle body mechanics and ways to manipulate your body’s energy (neigong) as part of the Energy Arts system also helped Aimo to recover from a hip and lower back injury that he sustained from bikeriding. The injuries were a part of the learning process for him, allowing him to gain a deeper practical understanding of how internal martial arts and Qigong can help in healing your body.

In 2010, Aimo moved to Malaysia where he found his Medical Qigong teacher, Master Tan Soo Kong, with whom he continued his interests in healing arts. He now offers Medical Qigong treatments for all conditions ranging from structural to chronic issues and teaches Medical Qigong exercises for self-healing. As well as using Qigong and martial arts for health, Aimo also researches how to counter the harmful effects of heavy computer use through internal energy work.

Malaysia is also where Aimo became an instructor of Cheng Man-ch’ing Tai Chi and a formal disciple in the Zhong Ding Traditional Martial Arts Association, which traces its Taiji Chuan and Bagua lineages back to Yang Chengfu and Dong Hai Chuan. Through Zhong Ding, Aimo has also developed a dedicated Xingyi and Bagua practice and continues his intensive martial arts training with his teacher Master Nigel Sutton to advance his knowledge and embodiment of the internal martial arts, in both empty hand and weapon forms.

Spending time in South East Asia it was only natural for Aimo to explore the South East Asian combative arts and in the last few years he has also been studying Filipino martial arts with Manong Eric of the Eskrima De Campo JDC-IO system as well as the Balinese Pencak Silat system of Bakti Negara with Gusman Wiranata. Recently, the focus of Aimo’s practice has also shifted towards the meditative aspects of internal martial arts and how they help you become a more realised and conscious being.

Aimo with his Bagua Zhang teacher Grandmaster Gao Ji Wu

With deep respect for his teachers, Aimo expresses his gratitude by sharing what he has learned from his Masters as accurately and authentically as possible. He offers classes, workshops, retreats and one-to-one tuitions worldwide, with teaching methods that are simple and clear, using both traditional and modern approaches for increased somatic awareness, martial skill and energy development. To him it’s about how these arts can be translated to your daily life on a physical, energetic and mental level – leading to a more relaxed way of living and an easier way of being.

“… the whole point of the martial arts as I understand them is to transcend the narrow realm of violence and assist trainees to somehow elevate themselves, to rise above the heat and confusion and fear of life, and find something profound and worthwhile…there is a type of alchemy going on in the martial arts: that, despite their undeniable links to violence and pain, it is possible to distill something noble in the human spirit through their practice.”

– Herding the Ox by John Donohue

© Tai Chi Forest 2024

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